You find that Outlook hangs for many minutes or might crash. You might need force it closed by clicking the X in its Task Bar icon or use Task Manager to End Task.
If Outlook is crashing, or closing and restarting on its own, please contact support, details are below.
Changes to Windows cause a Avid process to not successfully run in the background.
This is fixed by updating Windows to the most current version.
Please confirm with your IT that it is OK to upgrade. You might also need them to do these steps.
Windows Update
Please do not update to Windows 11. Please consult your IT or PC Support for guidance.
Click Windows’ Start button, click Settings and click “Updates & Security”

Click “Check for Updates”. Windows Update will install any available.

Windows Update – Features and Optional Updates
Please do not update to Windows 11. Please consult your IT or PC Support for guidance. But both Windows 10 and Windows 11 users should install any available Feature or Optional updates.
If just updating Windows doesn’t fix it as above, please install any Optional or “Feature update…”, please click Download and install.

If you do install a Feature update, please reboot Windows and do one more Check for Updates.
Windows Update – View Optional Updates
If updating still doesn’t fix the problem, please install any Optional updates.
You might have this link.

Click “View optional updates’.
Dropdown any sections, notably Driver updates.
Check all available choices and click Install.
Check for Updates – Check online for updates
Click the Check for updates button.
Some configurations might have a “Check online for updates from Microsoft Update”

If you have this, click that link to find updates.
Continue through to install any updates that it finds.
Reboot windows if requested.
Windows Update – Advanced Options
If Windows Updates and all Optional or Feature updates have been installed and you’re still having trouble, please enable the option for Windows Update to include updates for other Microsoft Products.
Click Advanced Options

Set “Receive updates for other Microsoft products…” to On.

Then click back to the Windows Update page and do one more “Check for updates”.
PC / Hardware Updates
Support has had one customer who also needed to run updates from the manufacturer.
They had a Dell PC, and its update found 10 available, including a BIOS update.

Please work with your IT or PC manufacturer for details about your computer’s updates.
If you have any trouble going through the steps or would like help, please call Avidian Prophet Technical Support at 855-284-3426 x2.
You can also send email to [email protected] or create a support ticket here.