You find that Outlook hangs and/or freezes, your Avid error log says “The remote name could not be resolved ‘'”, such as in the screenshot below. Avid’s log is in Documents\Avidian Technologies\Avid\ErrorLog.txt. Note that Log Messages needs to be checked under Avid’s Help dropdown.

The DNS settings on your computer might be preventing Avid from connecting to Avid’s Cloud server,
Please contact Support to verify that this solution is applicable to your configuration, especially if you use a terminal server to run Outlook, like Citrix or Microsoft’s RDS.
IMPORTANT: Advise your IT managers of this proposed change. It could affect other applications in your environment, and it could be less secure.
Set your computer’s DNS settings to Google’s DNS.
From your Start panel, go to Control Panel.
Click on “Network and Internet”.
Click on “Network and Sharing Center”.
Click “Change adapter settings”.
Right click on your Wifi or Ethernet connection and select “Properties”.
Select “Internet Protocol Version 4” and select “Properties”.
Switch to Google’s DNS as shown in the screenshot below.

Click “Ok” twice to save the settings.
If you have any trouble going through the steps or would like help, please call Avidian Prophet Technical Support at 855-284-3426 x2.
You can also send email to [email protected] or create a support ticket here.