Avidian Technologies

Using Avid’s Reporting Tools to Gain Actionable Insight

Using Prophet’s Reporting Tools to Gain Actionable Insight In this video you will learn: Best Practices for Structuring your CRM Data How to Use Prophet's reporting Functions Prophet Export to Excel * Prophet Report Manager * Prophet Analytics Dashboards As a result you will be able to answer these key questions: * Which Rep Generated the Most Activity? * Which Clients Saw the Most Activity? * How Much New Business was Booked Goal? * How Long is my Sales Cycle? * What is my Sales Forecast? * What are my Lead Conversion Rates? * How Many and what type of Sales Activities Does it Take to Close a Deal? All with Outlook ! About the Presenter Warren Stokes has over 15 Years of Sales Management experience Helped over 1,000 Companies Grow their Businesses with Prophet Holds 2 US Patents, 1 Patent Pending in Sales Automation Over 1.3 Million views of Outlook and CRM Webinars on YouTube

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