Avidian Technologies

CRM for Government

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How can CRM help in Government?

Running a government agency or office is like running a business, but different in a few key areas. Key motivators for change and efficiency in the public sector are public interest, political considerations, maintaining transparency, and keeping on budget. Whether they are providing or requesting a service, government agencies must keep strong relationships with an array of contacts and professionals, such as citizens, stakeholders, constituents, partners, recruits, lawmakers, and other government agencies. That is a lot of contact data to keep track of!

Using a CRM allows your team to manage contacts, sales pipelines, reports, and analytics in one place. Avid CRM is a versatile, user-friendly CRM embedded in Outlook that caters to the needs of government agencies. Avid’s features allow users to maintain the satisfaction of clients, keep data secure, and improve workflow.


Keep citizens happy.

Government agencies and offices are motivated by something much more demanding than profits and competition, meeting the needs of the general public. Unlike in business where you can prioritize higher-paying clients and disregard disgruntled ones, in the public sector, everyone’s specific needs must be satisfied and cannot be overlooked.

Keeping the masses satisfied can be difficult, but using a CRM allows agencies to forge a workflow, manage communications, and earn the trust of the public. Avid CRM allows your team to receive and organize and track the status of all incoming reports and complaints in one place, shortening reply time and making everyone happier. To keep the public’s trust, maintaining transparency is key. Allow public access to data records without revealing sensitive information. Select what data is shared with the public with Avid’s data export feature.

Data security.

Avoid the risk of data security breaches and safeguard your digital assets with Avid. Our cloud-hosted solution utilizes the Microsoft Azure cloud, ensuring data security and integrity. Software updates and full version upgrades as well as unlimited CRM data storage are included in our maintenance and support plans. We offer an OnPremise server version for those IT departments that prefer it. Avid’s Open API structure allows for it to be integrated with several other software products. Avid’s key features allow your team to optimize the usage and storage of data. Tiers of privileged data access make it possible to bar lower-rank employees from accessing classified information. Keep important documents organized and secure (ex: property taxes or Medicaid claims) along with data records.


Improve workflow.

Save time with Avid’s automation features made to handle the tasks you don’t want to do, like taking note of each contact touchpoint, rewriting the same email time and time again, and handling every step of the sales pipeline. Avid also eliminates a step of data entry. The biggest reason representatives hate using CRM software is the amount of time taken to log data. Avid creates contact and company records from your already existing Outlook contacts. If you have data being stored in a separate spreadsheet, waste no time manually entering it. Avid’s import function does that for you.

To assimilate your agency’s workflow with that of constituents or higher-ups, use a CRM that is compatible with other software. Avid has many customizable data entry fields, allowing you to track and manage specific data points. Avid allows you to easily export data in a spreadsheet format to share with others. You can also integrate other software platforms with Avid, automatically logging it straight into your database.

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