Avidian Technologies

CRM Reporting & Analytics

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Reporting and Analytics with Avid CRM.

Know what is and what isn’t working for your business. Avid displays critical data in an interactive and visually accessible format, providing you with actionable insight so you can interpret trends in the workplace and make data-driven decisions.

By utilizing Microsoft’s Power BI Analytics, Avid allows you to track and analyze team and personal productivity so that you can assess how to approach your sales tactics in the future.


CRM analytics dashboards.

  • CRM Pipeline Dashboard: Measure success by reviewing your team or certain team members’ performance over time and forecast incoming, lost, or won revenue.
  • CRM Activity Dashboard: Prioritize major leads by monitoring and managing your team’s time effectively. Review activity distribution by date, department, user, activity type, and more.
  • CRM Team Dashboard: See what new business is being created and by which team member. Track the creation of contact, company, and opportunity records by team member.
  • CRM Product Dashboard: With this optional dashboard, stay up to date on the who, when, and what of product sales so you can analyze company performance and prepare for future sales.

CRM report manager.

Generate classic-style reports for your team with Avid CRM’s Report Manager. Avid provides you with dozens of customizable built-in report templates. Create your own report templates using any data within your CRM database. Keep all your reports cleanly organized inside of Outlook and Avid CRM for easy access and reference.


“Avid has helped us not only make more sales calls, but also to make those calls more targeted. It has improved our communications to the team and customers. It helps us track customer obligations and then follow through on those obligations. When a salesperson follows through on a customer obligation, they are a hero. If they don’t, well, then they are a bum. Avid helps my team be heroes.”

Gary DelGrecoNational Sales Manager, Motorcar Parts of America

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